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Filipino Founders and Funders

Join us for the upcoming meeting of the Filipino Founders and Funders group ("FFF") on Sept 19th. And be sure to set aside December 5th for the last meeting of 2024. 

Like all the diversity groups at Venture Mechanics, the FFF is a place to connect venture-scale startup founders from this community with each other, and with early stage investors who seek to invest in them. 

Membership is over to all, including allies of the Filipino business community. Apply below for free membership, and be sure to join our LinkedIn group as well for member news in between meetings. 

The steering committee of the FFF includes Jacqui V Morris, Jet Castro of the Filipino Chamber of Commerce, Christeen Rico of Dream Bigger Ventures LLC, Katherine Winston of Equity Angels, Fortunato Vega of The 601 Club, entrepreneur Michael Agustin, and Venture Mechanics founder Ron Wiener.

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