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Seattle Startup Friends Eastside Meetup


Seattle Startup Friends' New Eastside Chapter Location in Bellevue

SSF brings aspiring startup founders together to network and explore their ideas in a welcoming and safe environment. We believe having this space leads to a stronger innovative community of builders committed to helping each other grow their ideas into the next unicorn success story.

These Eastside meetups occur every other Thursday night at Venture Mechanics of Bellevue from 5pm-7pm. The SSF meetings complement the Founders Dojo program, also held at Venture Mechanics every alternating Thursday. 

The meeting format is Oktoberfest style meaning folks all sit together around long tables and share their concepts for their next venture-scale startup. It's a great way to get feedback from many peers at once, maybe even find co-founders, future customers, or mentors - all while having a great time! Snacks and beverages are often provided by a sponsor, but feel free to brown bag it, as well.

New "practice pitch" feature 

For years, founders got to tell their story to a few people at a time, those within earshot in what can be a boisterous room. They can move from table to table to meet new friends and talk about their startups.

Starting in August, we're testing a new feature that allows them to alternatively pitch the entire room at once, with a 3-5 minute stand-up presentation, with or without slide decks. We also have demo tables around the room for anyone who wants to demonstrate off their laptop. There's no sign-up sheet, just raise your hand when we start the pitching rounds at 5:30pm. 

Check out Upcoming Meetup Events

We are proud to work with the SSF organization to regularly offer space for their community to connect and thrive on the Eastside. 

This new chapter complements the original Fremont and Capitol Hill chapters. Learn more about them here.

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