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Summit on Non-Dilutive Funding (DEI Edition)

Preliminary Info:

There are more opportunities than ever to obtain grant monies and other forms of non-dilutive funding for startups these days. At this Summit we'll be exploring programs tailored for under-represented founder groups specifically. 

Program details will be released shortly. There will be four highly information workshops available, with plenty of networking time in between.

Event date: June 13th, 3pm-8:30pm


  • 3pm-4pm Registration and Networking
  • 4pm-4:45pm Opportunities for military application of commercial products, presented by the PNW Mission Acceleration Center
  • 5pm-5:45pm Life sciences applications, presented by Life Science Washington Institute
  • 6:00-6:45pm How to tap into 350 federal funding sources, presented by David McFeeters-Krone
  • 7pm-7:45pm How to find "Impact Funds" that can help under-represented founders attain non-dilutive funding
  • 7:45-8:30pm Networking reception

Stay tuned for more details to follow!


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