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The Summit for Underrepresented Founders

RSVP for the Upcoming Summit

The Region's Largest Gathering of Underrepresented Founders

The Summit is always an uncommon opportunity to meet inspiring entrepreneurs and investors in our local community, whether Female, Black, Latino, Veteran, LGBT, Asian, Indigenous, etc., who all together still represent a minority of venture capital investments in the USA. Help us, help them, to change the status quo by participating in this event.

Join us for compelling panels focused on the challenges and the solutions developed by diverse founders. Join the collaborative movement and enrich your professional network. There are an ever-increasing number of diversity "founder & funder" groups based at Venture Mechanics (see the list here); the Summits are the quarterly "jamboree" of all of these groups.

Doors open at 5pm. Summits formally begin at 5:30pm. Five startup pitch presentations usually run from 7:30pm-8:30pm, and each startup team has their own demo tables in the mixer area. Guests are welcome to stay for the afterparty mixer, meet the founders personally, and meet all the other guests. Light snacks and beverages are served. Parking is always free and easy.

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